W miniony poniedziałek wybraliśmy się wreszcie z żoną na "Once upon a time... In Hollywood", najnowszy, dziewiąty film Quentina Tarantino. Wreszcie, bo było to już ponad trzy tygodnie po polskiej premierze tego filmu. Dzisiaj mija miesiąc. Mogłoby się wydawać, że kto chciał zobaczyć ten film, już to zrobił, ale po rozmowie z różnymi moimi znajomymi dochodzę do wniosku, że jednak nie i może jeszcze warto o nim napisać.
Przed pójściem do kina trochę się obawiałem. Widziałem pozytywne opinie o filmie, niektóre nawet pełne zachwytu. Spotkałem się jednak też z krytycznymi głosami, twierdzącymi, że film jest nudny, że oglądanie go to zmarnowanie dwóch godzin i czterdziestu jeden minut (tak, jest aż tak długi). W kontrze do tego głosy uznania twierdziły, że nawet się nie zorientowały, kiedy minął ten czas.
Miałem więc nieco powodów do obaw. Próbowałem się uspokoić, powtarzając sobie, że to przecież Tarantino, więc film musi mi się spodobać. Z drugiej strony, gdybym jednak nie docenił filmu tego reżysera, to tylko spotęgowałoby rozmiar katastrofy. Rozwiązanie tej zagadki było jednak tylko jedno. Trzeba było pójść do kina i przekonać się samemu. To właśnie zrobiliśmy.
Copyright foto: Visiona Romantica, Bona Film Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), Heyday Films
Przekonałem się. Ten film jest absolutnie zachwycający, to jeden z najlepszych filmów, jakie oglądałem, jeśli nie najlepszy. I mowa tu zarówno o filmach Tarantino, jak i wszystkich innych. Dlaczego? Zacznijmy od oczywistych rzeczy.
Muzyka. Ścieżka dźwiękowa tego filmu to absolutne cudo. Można ją zresztą znaleźć już na Spotify'u. Wspaniałe utwory, pochodzące z epoki i doskonale oddające klimat filmu zostały odpowiednio poprzetykane reklamami radiowymi, spikerami podającymi wiadomości o pogodzie i innymi tego typu wstawkami, które ułatwiają imersję w świat przedstawiony w filmie.
Aspekt wizualny. Film wygląda przepięknie. Kolory, stylizacje, stroje, samochody, plany zdjęciowe - wszystko to składa się na oszałamiający raj dla oczu. Wystarczy zresztą spojrzeć na plakat powyżej - to po prostu piękno w czystej postaci i nie ma co o tym więcej mówić.
Opisane powyżej elementy doskonale dbają o to, żeby widz poczuł klimat Hollywood u schyłku lat sześćdziesiątych. Dodajmy do tego fakt, że fikcyjni bohaterowie pierwszoplanowi spotykają na swojej drodze postacie historyczne, takie jak Bruce Lee, Sharon Tate czy przez chwilę Roman Polański. Oprócz tego, jak zazwyczaj w filmach Tarantino, przez sporą część opowieści jest całkiem zabawnie, ale nie przez wymuszone żarciki, czyjeś wygłupy czy coś podobnego, ale przez autentycznie zabawne sytuacje. Doskonałym przykładem jest tu scena starcia z Brucem Lee.
Wreszcie to, co od początku było rzeczą przyciągającą uwagę. Obsada i gra aktorska. Nie trzeba tutaj wiele pisać, bo nazwiska mówią same za siebie. Brad Pitt im starszy tym lepszy, absolutnie urzekający. W wielu momentach kradnie film i można dojść do wniosku, że to jego postać jest głównym bohaterem opowieści. Z kolei Leonardo DiCaprio pokazuje, że naprawdę potrafi grać przecudownie. Więcej nawet, potrafi doskonale zagrać to, że potrafi doskonale zagrać. Wciela się przecież w rolę aktora w zawodowym kryzysie. Oprócz tego Margot Robbie czaruje na ekranie, tworząc bardzo wiarygodną kreację, a poza nią w obsadzie znaleźli się też między innymi Al Pacino, Dakota Fanning czy Kurt Russel. To, że trzymają poziom, jest oczywiste, bo to profesjonaliści. Swoje role jednak, nawet gdy nie są jakoś szczególnie istotne, grają z nadzwyczajną lekkością. To czysta przyjemność oglądać ich w pracy.
Wszystko powyższe jednak to kwestie, które raczej nie są przedmiotem sporu między widzami. Film brzmi, wygląda i zagrany jest pięknie i raczej nikt się z tym nie spiera. Zarzuty niektórych dotyczą bardziej scenariusza, fabuły i tego, że według nich film jest po prostu nudny.
Cóż, absolutnie się z tym nie zgadzam. "Once upon a time... In Hollywood" jest fascynujące i wciągające. Film dzieje się na przestrzeni ledwie kilku dni, ale z przeskokiem czasowym w środku. Pokazuje nam on interesujących bohaterów, w stosunkowo krótkim czasie nakreśla nam ich motywacje, doświadczenia, porażki, sukcesy, obawy, obrazuje relacje między nimi. Dzięki temu później możemy zobaczyć, jak mogłaby się potoczyć historia, gdyby akurat tacy ludzie znaleźliby się w konkretnym czasie, w konkretnym miejscu.
Poza tym zarzucanie temu filmowi, że nic się w nim nie dzieje, to bzdura. Przez większość fabuły nie ma jakiś wielkich, przełomowych, widowiskowych scen, te nadchodzą dopiero na końcu, ale właśnie o to chodzi, że ludzie, którzy wiodą swoje względnie spokojne życia, nagle ścierają się z czymś niespodziewanym. Zarzuty o brak akcji miałyby więcej sensu w przypadku takich filmów jak "Hateful eight" czy "Wściekłe psy", ale nikt poważny im tego nie zarzuca, bo tak zostały skonstruowane, w dodatku w konkretnym celu. Podobnie jest tutaj.
Swoją drogą ten film absolutnie nie może być nudny i mam na to prosty argument. Gdzieś pod koniec filmu w pewnym momencie dało się wyczuć, że finał się zbliża i zapytałem sam siebie w duchu "To już?!". Nie wiadomo kiedy minęły pierwsze dwie godziny i dwadzieścia minut i zostało ostatnie dwadzieścia. Czas płynął jak szalony, tak dobrze oglądało się ten film.
Tyle tylko, że to wszystko powyżej, to oczywiście moja subiektywna opinia. Napiszcie swoją, a jeśli jeszcze nie widzieliście "Once upon a time... In Hollywood", to pędźcie do kina.
Piosenka na dziś to utwór ze ścieżki dźwiękowej filmu:
To tyle. Trzymajcie się ciepło.
Last Monday, my wife and I finally went to cinema to see "Once upon a time ... In Hollywood", the latest, ninth movie by Quentin Tarantino. Finally, because it was over three weeks after the Polish premiere of this film. Today is a month. It would seem that whoever wanted to see this movie has already done it, but after talking to various friends of mine, I come to the conclusion that it is not true, so maybe the movie is still worth writing about it.
I was a little worried before going to the cinema. I read positive reviews about the movie, some of them even expressing delight. However, I also heard critical voices saying that the film is boring, that watching it is a waste of two hours and forty-one minutes (yes, it is so long). In opposition to this, the voices of recognition claimed that they did not even realize when this time had passed.
So I had a bit of concern. I tried to calm down, telling myself that it was Tarantino, so I must like the movie. On the other hand, if I did not appreciate this director's film, it would only increase the extent of the disaster. There was only one solution to this puzzle. We had to go to the cinema and find out for ourselves. That's what we did.
I have found out. This movie is absolutely delightful, it's one of the best movies I've ever watched, if not the best. And here we are talking about both Tarantino films and all others. Why? Let's start with the obvious things.
Music. The movie's soundtrack is an absolute wonder. You can already find it on Spotify. Wonderful songs, from the era and perfectly reflecting the atmosphere of the film were properly interwoven with radio commercials, speakers giving information about the weather and other such inserts that facilitate immersion into the world presented in the movie.
Visual aspect. The movie looks beautiful. Colors, styles, clothes, cars, film sets - all this adds up to a stunning paradise for the eyes. All you have to do is look at the poster above - it's just pure beauty and there is no more to talk about it.
The elements described above make the viewer feels the atmosphere of Hollywood in the late sixties. Add to this the fact that fictitious heroes in the foreground meet historical characters such as Bruce Lee, Sharon Tate or Roman Polański for a while. In addition, as is usually the case in Tarantino movies, for quite a lot of the story it is quite funny, but not through forced jokes, somebody's tomfoolery or something similar, but through genuinely funny situations. A great example is the scene of a clash with Bruce Lee.
Finally, what was eye-catching from the beginning. Cast and acting. You don't have to write a lot here, because the names speak for themselves. Brad Pitt the older the better, absolutely captivating. In many moments, he steals the movie and it can be concluded that his character is the main character of the story. In turn, Leonardo DiCaprio shows that he can really play wonderfully. Even more, he can play perfectly that he can play perfectly. He plays the role of an actor in a professional crisis. In addition, Margot Robbie charms on the screen, creating a very credible creation, and in addition in the cast there were, among others, Al Pacino, Dakota Fanning and Kurt Russel. That they provide the high quality is obvious because they are professionals. However, their roles, even if they are not particularly important, are played with extreme lightness. It's a pleasure to watch them at work.
All of the above, however, are issues that are hardly the subject of dispute between audience. The film sounds, looks and is played beautifully and nobody argues with it. Some objections are more about the script, the story and the fact that some people think the film is simply boring.
Well, I totally disagree. "Once upon a time ... In Hollywood" is fascinating and engaging. The film takes place over just a few days, but with a time jump in the middle. It shows us interesting heroes, outlines their motivations, experiences, failures, successes and fears in a relatively short time, and illustrates the relationships between them. Thanks to this, we can later see how history could have turned out if such people would find themselves in a specific time, in a specific place.
Besides, accusing this movie of nothing happening in it is bullshit. For most of the plot there are no great, groundbreaking, spectacular scenes, these come only at the end, but it is precisely in order to picture the people who lead their relatively quiet lives and suddenly clash with something unexpected. Accusations of lack of action would make more sense in the case of such films as "Hateful eight" or "Reservoir Dogs", but no one seriously accuses them, because they were constructed so, in addition, for a specific purpose. It is similar here.
By the way, this film can absolutely not be boring and I have a simple argument for it. Somewhere at the end of the movie, at some point, one could feel that the finale was approaching and I asked myself in the spirit of "Is it already?!". It is not known when the first two hours and twenty minutes have passed and the last twenty were left. Time passed like crazy, this movie was so good to watch.
Only that all of this above is, of course, my subjective opinion. Write yours and if you haven't seen "Once upon a time ... In Hollywood" yet, go to the cinema.
The song for today is from the movie soundtrack. You can find it above.
That's all. Keep good.
Last Monday, my wife and I finally went to cinema to see "Once upon a time ... In Hollywood", the latest, ninth movie by Quentin Tarantino. Finally, because it was over three weeks after the Polish premiere of this film. Today is a month. It would seem that whoever wanted to see this movie has already done it, but after talking to various friends of mine, I come to the conclusion that it is not true, so maybe the movie is still worth writing about it.
I was a little worried before going to the cinema. I read positive reviews about the movie, some of them even expressing delight. However, I also heard critical voices saying that the film is boring, that watching it is a waste of two hours and forty-one minutes (yes, it is so long). In opposition to this, the voices of recognition claimed that they did not even realize when this time had passed.
So I had a bit of concern. I tried to calm down, telling myself that it was Tarantino, so I must like the movie. On the other hand, if I did not appreciate this director's film, it would only increase the extent of the disaster. There was only one solution to this puzzle. We had to go to the cinema and find out for ourselves. That's what we did.
I have found out. This movie is absolutely delightful, it's one of the best movies I've ever watched, if not the best. And here we are talking about both Tarantino films and all others. Why? Let's start with the obvious things.
Music. The movie's soundtrack is an absolute wonder. You can already find it on Spotify. Wonderful songs, from the era and perfectly reflecting the atmosphere of the film were properly interwoven with radio commercials, speakers giving information about the weather and other such inserts that facilitate immersion into the world presented in the movie.
Visual aspect. The movie looks beautiful. Colors, styles, clothes, cars, film sets - all this adds up to a stunning paradise for the eyes. All you have to do is look at the poster above - it's just pure beauty and there is no more to talk about it.
The elements described above make the viewer feels the atmosphere of Hollywood in the late sixties. Add to this the fact that fictitious heroes in the foreground meet historical characters such as Bruce Lee, Sharon Tate or Roman Polański for a while. In addition, as is usually the case in Tarantino movies, for quite a lot of the story it is quite funny, but not through forced jokes, somebody's tomfoolery or something similar, but through genuinely funny situations. A great example is the scene of a clash with Bruce Lee.
Finally, what was eye-catching from the beginning. Cast and acting. You don't have to write a lot here, because the names speak for themselves. Brad Pitt the older the better, absolutely captivating. In many moments, he steals the movie and it can be concluded that his character is the main character of the story. In turn, Leonardo DiCaprio shows that he can really play wonderfully. Even more, he can play perfectly that he can play perfectly. He plays the role of an actor in a professional crisis. In addition, Margot Robbie charms on the screen, creating a very credible creation, and in addition in the cast there were, among others, Al Pacino, Dakota Fanning and Kurt Russel. That they provide the high quality is obvious because they are professionals. However, their roles, even if they are not particularly important, are played with extreme lightness. It's a pleasure to watch them at work.
All of the above, however, are issues that are hardly the subject of dispute between audience. The film sounds, looks and is played beautifully and nobody argues with it. Some objections are more about the script, the story and the fact that some people think the film is simply boring.
Well, I totally disagree. "Once upon a time ... In Hollywood" is fascinating and engaging. The film takes place over just a few days, but with a time jump in the middle. It shows us interesting heroes, outlines their motivations, experiences, failures, successes and fears in a relatively short time, and illustrates the relationships between them. Thanks to this, we can later see how history could have turned out if such people would find themselves in a specific time, in a specific place.
Besides, accusing this movie of nothing happening in it is bullshit. For most of the plot there are no great, groundbreaking, spectacular scenes, these come only at the end, but it is precisely in order to picture the people who lead their relatively quiet lives and suddenly clash with something unexpected. Accusations of lack of action would make more sense in the case of such films as "Hateful eight" or "Reservoir Dogs", but no one seriously accuses them, because they were constructed so, in addition, for a specific purpose. It is similar here.
By the way, this film can absolutely not be boring and I have a simple argument for it. Somewhere at the end of the movie, at some point, one could feel that the finale was approaching and I asked myself in the spirit of "Is it already?!". It is not known when the first two hours and twenty minutes have passed and the last twenty were left. Time passed like crazy, this movie was so good to watch.
Only that all of this above is, of course, my subjective opinion. Write yours and if you haven't seen "Once upon a time ... In Hollywood" yet, go to the cinema.
The song for today is from the movie soundtrack. You can find it above.
That's all. Keep good.
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